Happy New Year and embracing new perspectives

    Photos Jakarta, Indonesia 2014: Humble panhandling

It's here, the new year. Not sure that it symbolizes anything. The changing of the calendar? The last 10 months have taken so much, but have also given perspective. The mature side of me says that's more important than anything we could have lost. But the gypsy, artist, traveler in me can't make plans for anything right now. The art of travel is to deviate from one's plans, but I can't deviate from plans that I can't make. Well I can, a little, but I'm at the whim of other authorities that are frankly put, ill equipped to keep everyone safe and keep businesses flowing. It's a conundrum. It's a pickle and more than anything it's scary to continue dreaming like before. What can I dream now if I don't know the rules? Just try anything to see what moves and inspires. It seems to be really the only creative prospect there is.

My heart is full, of mostly painful memories. Lost loves and broken dreams. I'm trying to let go of the twisted past of pessimistic thoughts. I want to feel better about humanity on earth, but we're fucking crazy. And I wholeheartedly said that before the pandemic. Now what?

Optimism is a choice. The choice is to forgive and release personal ties to the pain and discord. And why do we remember and feel them after? My mind tells me that they are still prevalent, because they are still happening in your mind. Okay, so... Let it go? Is that the power that optimism has, helping us let it go? What pessimistic thoughts do you have in your head? Could you let them go if you were given the chance? Well? If you do you might wake up tomorrow, and say oh God what was I thinking, I fucking hate everyone. Equally, nature poses the same choice for optimism. Take it or leave it, our brain creates choice just once, but we have to make the decision everyday, multiple times.

Making a choice and standing by it. Deciding on it. Defining it. Because the course of indecision is more costly, in the end.

Success is defined internally by our environment. The variables of the environment are infinite. So, define success. Ask others what their definitions of success are. Observe their environments, upbringings and family structures. Anything that comes up is different as we are all different, but biologically the same.

I'm an idealist and see enthusiasm and love as a part of success. I only say that because the most successful people I know are extremely passionate and caring about anything they do. From cleaning toilets to breaking one's back in the field, can all be celebrated. Success is in everyone, they just need to define it first.

My definition of success; to love unconditionally no matter what I do.

    Photos Jakarta, Indonesia 2014: Humble panhandling